This blog is about TV. Not all TV. Just TV that I watch. I watch a decent amount, so you are sure to find something on here that you like. It won't change your life and it won't cure world hunger. But maybe it will make you laugh, smile or just help kill a few minutes of your work day. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

MY BOYS & Life's Underrated Pleasures

This week's episode of My Boys brought to light a fantastic topic of discussion...Life's Underrated Pleasures. Their cast of characters chimed in with their list: Stephanie - a well organized closet (Agreed). Bobby - Eggs for Dinner (Very Much Agreed). PJ - Diving in to a perfectly still pool (Eh. That one's weak). Mike - A warm toilet seat (obviously a bad joke). So, without further adieu and without too much thought, here are David's and my list of underrated pleasures. Please chime in.

Me: A Color Me Bad song on the radio - I understand this one will be disputed, but I heard one today and it reminded me of Paula Abdul music videos, New Kids on the Block sweaters and boys wearing Gravity cologne...also known as my childhood.

David: Cold pillows - settling down for the night after a long day of work and the bed and pillows are crisp and cold.

Me: Leaving a delicious dinner without being too full - actually being able to enjoy the rest of your evening, have a cocktail and not want to immediately throw up or go to bed is underrated and rarely experienced.

David: Walking outside and seeing the Times Pic on the front lawn. Great way to start a Sunday. Shortly followed by a 12 'clock Saints game in the Dome.

Me: Gnocchi - All of it. Any kind. I only first sampled gnocchi about a year and a half ago at La Boca in the warehouse district. It was pure heaven. My expectation and love for gnocchi skyrocketed after a meal in Napa Valley at a restaurant by the name of Redd. The idea that I have lived 26 years and never tried gnocchi is unfathomable to me.

David: Using a brand new razor.

Me: Coming home to a house that has been cleaned by your spouse - this has only happened once or twice, but it is pure joy. Any guys reading this, I seriously recommend.


  1. Using a Q-tip and extracting a large amount of wax when you didn't think there would be any. The ultimate underrated pleasure is when you throw said Q-tip away, and it doesn't bounce out the trashcan.

  2. I agree with the cold pillow. My guilty pleasure is Boyz II Men songs on the radio. Nothing like belting out On Bended Knee.
