This blog is about TV. Not all TV. Just TV that I watch. I watch a decent amount, so you are sure to find something on here that you like. It won't change your life and it won't cure world hunger. But maybe it will make you laugh, smile or just help kill a few minutes of your work day. Enjoy!

Monday, August 9, 2010

For Love AND Money

Once in a lifetime, if you are lucky, you will be given an opportunity to marvel at something. Something so breathtaking and awe inspiring, its hard to put into words. I, however, can sum it up in two...Bachelor Pad. A show, not only dedicated to the unrealistic pursuit of money but also to finding your soul mate in a summer camp style love bungalow in sunny California. Everyone is tan. Everyone is in shape. Everyone has tattoos. If it weren't for the occasional blonde, it could be Jersey Shore. Let me give you the premise: 18 guys/girls from past Bachelor/Bachelorette seasons are picked to live in the Bachelor Pad...all sharing one room with bunk beds. Each week, they are competing for a rose which entitles them to immunity for the week (aka they can't be voted off). After receiving a rose, the winner gets to choose 3 team members of the opposite sex to take on a date. After the date, the winner awards a rose to one of the 3 datees and that person is also immune from elimination and therefore closer to winning $250,000. It is a competition for money and love filled with drama and strategy. In years past, this type of show would annoy me. It would get under my skin and my head would hurt from rolling my eyes so hard. Now, I have a different perspective. It is wildly amusing to me. Mostly because I am legitimately amazed that people, like those on the BP, exist. Its one thing if you make a fool of yourself, make it through the grueling 8-10 weeks of tears, hook-ups and breakups and win 250k. But what happens to those females, who after only one airing, are labeled "the psycho" aka Elizabeth. How do you get a date after this show? DO your friends still talk to you? I'm just curious. The whole idea of competing for money and love at the same time, is ridiculous AND intriguing at the same time. I do wish there were more weekly competitions, but maybe the excitement will pick up. Can't wait!!

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