This blog is about TV. Not all TV. Just TV that I watch. I watch a decent amount, so you are sure to find something on here that you like. It won't change your life and it won't cure world hunger. But maybe it will make you laugh, smile or just help kill a few minutes of your work day. Enjoy!

Monday, August 23, 2010


This weekend, after David's knee surgery and a broken AC unit at my house (yes it feels like 107 degrees outside, so a broken AC is basically torture), I ventured to the movies with my sister and mother in law. They are great company for chick flicks. We took in a 2pm showing of Julia Roberts in Eat Pray Love, the much anticipated Elizabeth Gilbert's memoir-to-movie production. First of all, I didn't read the book. Honestly, I didn't read it because it was too hyped. My feelings toward EPL were similar to many people's feelings toward Twilight. However, I wanted to see the movie. I love Julia Roberts, why wouldn't I? In the weeks leading to its release, I read an article in Entertainment Weekly about women's backlash toward the author. Women were infuriated that the main character, Liz, would leave her husband simply because she was "unhappy". They thought she was a whiny, self-centered brat who needed to talk to someone with real problems. Why should she? This is a book of HER life. She was unhappy, she left. Men do it everyday. Why did she need a reason to leave her husband? Would we all feel better if he cheated on her and she stormed out the door in a soul-searching quest for herself only to find love in the arms of another man? Am I a fan of the way she leaves her marriage? No. Would I beat the crap out of someone for doing the same to me? Sure. But why the hate? Its a portrait of her life. A story of her mistakes, her triumphs, her heart aches. If you don't like it, write your own book about how great you are. Sorry, just needed to vent about the double drives me nuts. As far as the movie, I enjoyed it. I picked up a few things along the way too. (By the way, none of these are life changing or anything you haven't heard before, they are just refreshers). Number 1: Life is not perfect. It is often messy and miserable. There are spots of sunshine along the way, but dark clouds are always around the corner. You will break hearts and people will break yours. But at the end of day, if you have love, any kind of love, you will find happiness. Number 2: Live your life. Take time to relax. Take time to enjoy things around you. Most of all, take time to enjoy the sweetness of doing nothing. Or in Italian "il dolce far niente". We are often so busy with schedules, blackberries, jobs, kids, meetings, blah blah blah. Just take a minute, a day, a week or even a year to enjoy everything in life. Friends, family, food, a good book, a good blog (haha) or just laying in bed staring at the ceiling. Life really is good and it has so much to offer you. Movie Grade: B+

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