This blog is about TV. Not all TV. Just TV that I watch. I watch a decent amount, so you are sure to find something on here that you like. It won't change your life and it won't cure world hunger. But maybe it will make you laugh, smile or just help kill a few minutes of your work day. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Blue Eyes, White Collar

If there was ever a time when fedoras, three piece suits and high-end thieves were's now. Ok, don't get the wrong idea. I'm not telling love-hungry men to run out rob an art gallery while wearing one of Meyer the Hatter's pricey pieces. However, after watching Neal Caffery of White Collar you may actually give it some thought. I mentioned in my earlier post that what I loved about My Boys was how easy it was to watch. No drama, no suspense, just an overall good show you can enjoy. White Collar is similar. Although if there was no suspense in a show about an ex-con working for the FBI, there would be no plot. Each week, there is a case. Each week, there is a conclusion to the case. Therefore, you can tune-in or tune-out as you please. A low commitment relationship, if you will. However, there are still lingering character storylines that you will want to come back for. As an end of Season 1 sampler and an avid Season 2 follower, I am still figuring out a few of the mysteries, so I cannot fully divulge the contents of the show...because I haven't figured them all out yet. But each week, as cases are opened and shut, I fall more and more in love with the most underrated attractive male on television...Matt Bomer. According to Wikipedia, his presence has graced shows including Guiding Light, North Shore, Chuck and Tru Calling. All shows I do not watch. If I had known he was on them, maybe I would have. Anyway, besides being breathtakingly handsome, he redefines cool. Take away the court mandated ankle bracelet and the laundry list of high stake crimes, he would be perfect! If he's not your type, you can always tune in for Kelly Kapowski, who plays FBI Special Agent Burke's wife OR Stanford from Sex and City, who plays Neal's partner in crime. Either way, you are sure to find a sultry summer treat!

1 comment:

  1. You need to go onDemand and catch up with season 1. Jimmy & I watched just about all of season 1 in a marathon 1 day. There aren't too many shows he will watch with me but this is one we both enjoy.
