This blog is about TV. Not all TV. Just TV that I watch. I watch a decent amount, so you are sure to find something on here that you like. It won't change your life and it won't cure world hunger. But maybe it will make you laugh, smile or just help kill a few minutes of your work day. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


After last night's episode, I'm having a hard time deciding if there are any SANE people left on the show. I am 100% convinced that you need to have a few screws loose in order to be a cast member on the Bachelor Pad. For starters Elizabeth is completely off her rocker. On several occasions, she can be quoted saying "If you betray the trust, you are gone." or "You need to be affectionate to me, so the girls will keep you in this game. If not, you are gone." Is this how she gets guys to like her? Seriously, someone needs to save Kovacs. Should he look at another girl while on the show, Elizabeth may chop off his favorite appendage while he sleeps. Now, there is the issue of the Insiders vs. the Outsiders. AKA Cool Kids vs. Not Cool Kids. There are alliances and strategies and cliques, oh my! Could this be anymore like MTV's The Gauntlet? The Bachelor/Bachelorette rejects have now made a career out of jumping from show to show. Apparently once you go reality show, you never go back. So, the Outsiders had a chance to take control of the house by sending Kiptyn home and saving Craig with a rose. But, alas, Wes the guitar playing toolbag woos over Gia with his debonair ways and a simple "I love you". There's a strategy, when you think you are going to get kicked off, tell the person with the power to save you that you love them. Bravo Wes! Despite her early promise to keep Craig, Gia blows up the game and saves Wes instead. Now, the Cool Kids are back in the game. Next up, Weatherman. His smooth moves won't be gracing the presence of the Bachelor Pad too much longer I predict. As far as the girls, I'm hoping they all retaliate and send Elizabeth home. That would make the best Episode 3 shocker in Bachelor history! Also, if Tenley sheds one more tear, I hope Natalie reaches over and punches her in the face. Grow a backbone Tenley! In the end, I'm pretty sure they are all duping us. They are puppets being steered in a direction to make the show more interesting. After all, people cannot be that stupid. Can they?

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