This blog is about TV. Not all TV. Just TV that I watch. I watch a decent amount, so you are sure to find something on here that you like. It won't change your life and it won't cure world hunger. But maybe it will make you laugh, smile or just help kill a few minutes of your work day. Enjoy!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Did you get the Pears?

In this week's episode of Mad Men, we don't necessarily learn anything new about Don Draper, rather what we already know is reinforced. Number One: Don is an ass. After their one night rendez-vous on his apartment couch, Don and secretary Allison are having a hard time returning to their professional relationship. At least, Allison is having a hard time. During a cold cream focus group, Allison breaks down in tears and professes to Peggy "I know he's there watching. How do you do it?" To which Peggy sternly replies, "My problem is not your problem. Get over it!" Devastated, Allison waits in Don's office for him to return. After admitting their late night romp session was a mistake, Allison informs Don that she will be seeking a new job at a magazine. In a last attempt to see his good side, Allison's final request is that Don write her a recommendation. In true DD form, his response? "Why don't you write what you want and I'll sign it?" Enraged, Allison chucks a vase at his head that crashes into a nearby wall of framed pictures. Every female employee within a five office radius runs out to see what the commotion is. Allison exits the building. Number Two: Don is in charge. After extensive research and study, Don rejects all conclusions the female doc has reported for Pond's cold cream. He doesn't believe in her work and doesn't believe it applies to his job. Thanks for playing, but Don's still the Big Dick around here. Number Three: Don is lonely. After being forced out of his office, while the cleaning crew buffs the floors, Don heads back to his one bedroom apartment. Slowly making his way to his door, he notices an old couple in the hall. "Did you get the pears?", the husband says. No response. "Did you get the pears?" No response. "Did you get the pears?" Wife responds, "We'll discuss it inside." Don looks on, no smile and enters his apartment alone. One more episode down and no progress in the world of Don Draper. This week also focused on Pete Campbell and wife Trudy expecting a baby. Pete ruffles his father in law's feathers in order to get more accounts. Peggy makes a new lesbian friend, plays tonsil hockey with a stranger in a closet, smokes pot, runs from the cops and congratulates Pete on this new child. They share a sentimental/awkard moment filled with unspoken emotions that may never see the light of day. Next week's episode appears to be FULL of drama. I look forward to sharing it with the Massa family. :)

1 comment:

  1. And I look forward to chicken, bacon, and bread quiche! "Write whatever you want, and I'll sign it [Younts]."
