This blog is about TV. Not all TV. Just TV that I watch. I watch a decent amount, so you are sure to find something on here that you like. It won't change your life and it won't cure world hunger. But maybe it will make you laugh, smile or just help kill a few minutes of your work day. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

Modern Family: Valentines Day

In honor of Modern Family winning BEST COMEDY last night at the Emmy's, I thought I would post my favorite Modern Family moment. Ladies and Gentlemen, please give it up for Clive Bixby...Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

MY BOYS & Life's Underrated Pleasures

This week's episode of My Boys brought to light a fantastic topic of discussion...Life's Underrated Pleasures. Their cast of characters chimed in with their list: Stephanie - a well organized closet (Agreed). Bobby - Eggs for Dinner (Very Much Agreed). PJ - Diving in to a perfectly still pool (Eh. That one's weak). Mike - A warm toilet seat (obviously a bad joke). So, without further adieu and without too much thought, here are David's and my list of underrated pleasures. Please chime in.

Me: A Color Me Bad song on the radio - I understand this one will be disputed, but I heard one today and it reminded me of Paula Abdul music videos, New Kids on the Block sweaters and boys wearing Gravity cologne...also known as my childhood.

David: Cold pillows - settling down for the night after a long day of work and the bed and pillows are crisp and cold.

Me: Leaving a delicious dinner without being too full - actually being able to enjoy the rest of your evening, have a cocktail and not want to immediately throw up or go to bed is underrated and rarely experienced.

David: Walking outside and seeing the Times Pic on the front lawn. Great way to start a Sunday. Shortly followed by a 12 'clock Saints game in the Dome.

Me: Gnocchi - All of it. Any kind. I only first sampled gnocchi about a year and a half ago at La Boca in the warehouse district. It was pure heaven. My expectation and love for gnocchi skyrocketed after a meal in Napa Valley at a restaurant by the name of Redd. The idea that I have lived 26 years and never tried gnocchi is unfathomable to me.

David: Using a brand new razor.

Me: Coming home to a house that has been cleaned by your spouse - this has only happened once or twice, but it is pure joy. Any guys reading this, I seriously recommend.

Monday, August 23, 2010


This weekend, after David's knee surgery and a broken AC unit at my house (yes it feels like 107 degrees outside, so a broken AC is basically torture), I ventured to the movies with my sister and mother in law. They are great company for chick flicks. We took in a 2pm showing of Julia Roberts in Eat Pray Love, the much anticipated Elizabeth Gilbert's memoir-to-movie production. First of all, I didn't read the book. Honestly, I didn't read it because it was too hyped. My feelings toward EPL were similar to many people's feelings toward Twilight. However, I wanted to see the movie. I love Julia Roberts, why wouldn't I? In the weeks leading to its release, I read an article in Entertainment Weekly about women's backlash toward the author. Women were infuriated that the main character, Liz, would leave her husband simply because she was "unhappy". They thought she was a whiny, self-centered brat who needed to talk to someone with real problems. Why should she? This is a book of HER life. She was unhappy, she left. Men do it everyday. Why did she need a reason to leave her husband? Would we all feel better if he cheated on her and she stormed out the door in a soul-searching quest for herself only to find love in the arms of another man? Am I a fan of the way she leaves her marriage? No. Would I beat the crap out of someone for doing the same to me? Sure. But why the hate? Its a portrait of her life. A story of her mistakes, her triumphs, her heart aches. If you don't like it, write your own book about how great you are. Sorry, just needed to vent about the double drives me nuts. As far as the movie, I enjoyed it. I picked up a few things along the way too. (By the way, none of these are life changing or anything you haven't heard before, they are just refreshers). Number 1: Life is not perfect. It is often messy and miserable. There are spots of sunshine along the way, but dark clouds are always around the corner. You will break hearts and people will break yours. But at the end of day, if you have love, any kind of love, you will find happiness. Number 2: Live your life. Take time to relax. Take time to enjoy things around you. Most of all, take time to enjoy the sweetness of doing nothing. Or in Italian "il dolce far niente". We are often so busy with schedules, blackberries, jobs, kids, meetings, blah blah blah. Just take a minute, a day, a week or even a year to enjoy everything in life. Friends, family, food, a good book, a good blog (haha) or just laying in bed staring at the ceiling. Life really is good and it has so much to offer you. Movie Grade: B+


I watch a lot of TV. We know this. However, with the plethora of options in the TV world, there are some shows I do not have the time to commit myself to. One network in particular is Showtime. I chose not to pay for this additional "premium" channel. Therefore, I have to relinquish my blogging duties to the occasional guest ghost writer. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you The Reynolds Wrap-Up!

Weeds is FINALLY Back…man Showtime shows are so Awesome but the hiatus is killer. Reason number one is because there are only 13 episodes in their seasons and Weeds is only a half hour show but what a fantastic 30 minutes it is. So who knew Shane was such the badass…other than the fact that he once made terrorist home videos , oh and the time he bit a kids foot, I guess it’s just safe to say Shane Botwin has always be the strange Botwin. Pilar was giving Nancy Botwin quite the tongue lashing, going so far as to threaten her kids right when she TWACK!! Shane hits her in the head with a mallet. By the way I thought it was great how this devious little show can always crack jokes and it this episode the running joke was the mallet.

Pilar falls to her bitchy death in a pool has now Nancy tries to leave Esteban’s Political Fundraiser Party unseen. She grabs Shane, Silas, Lupita, Stevie, and a shit load of clothes throws them all in a Prius and heads back across the border. Andy is there struggling with a problem of his own, Audra/Alanis and Andy are being held up by a radical Pro-lifer with a crossbow. Andy by distraction makes and play and heads out the guest house leaving Alanis behind, naturally he runs in Nancy who has pulled up and needs the keys to the van to make a break for a new life. Andy says they are in the guest house with Alanis…Andy in his self-loathing manner goes in with Nancy to retrieve the Keys. I guess that means this is the end of the road for Alanis Morissette who I was really enjoyed watching last season and this episode. Andy is still madly in love with Nancy and it is clearly obvious here as he decides to go with Nancy and flee, although Nancy seems to convince him he needs to as well. The Botwins are all in a van head to who knows where…I guess we will just wait and see.

Until then …

Friday, August 20, 2010

MOVIE BUZZ: Something Borrowed

If you have read Emily Giffin's Something Borrowed and Something Blue, you should be as excited as me that they are filming a movie...right now, as we speak with Kate Hudson. Check out some pics of her (playing Darcy) and Colin Eggelsfield (playing Dex) on the beach in the Hamptons.

FALL PREVIEW: Detroit 1-8-7

For years, Michael Imperioli was only one person to television viewers....CHRISTOFFA aka Christopher Moltisanti. As the Tony Soprano protege, he was a FILA track suit wearing badass with a fiery attitude. Since the his tragic death on the show, Michael Imperioli has jumped around a little bit, looking for his next big gig. He's been seen in a few movies and graced a few television shows with his presence. This fall, he takes a gig on the other side of the law (the cop side) and plays a seasoned officer in the Murder Capitol: (no, not New Orleans) Detroit, Michigan. For those of you who do not listen to rap music, 1-8-7 is the police code for murder. So, what is Detroit 1-8-7 about? If you haven't guessed's about murders in Detroit. Seems like a pretty typical show, something we see on every broadcast and cable network. So, why watch? In my opinion, you watch because it's Michael Imperioli. He's come a long way since his glock carrying, heroine injecting, gold chain wearing days on The Sopranos. He's a good way. More mature, but still a badass. Now, he's the guy who can break down a hostage situation without anyone getting killed. He has a dark past, one we aren't privy to after the pilot episode, but one I'm interested in learning about. The show is filmed in a documentary style format. Basically, one cop is driving, one cop rides shotgun and the cameraman rides in the back. The cop in shotgun turns around and talks directly in to the camera when setting up the scene. Some may not like this format, I do. I feel like they are talking directly to me, like I am part of the action. And despite its overall dark and dreary theme, there is humor. You will find yourself chuckling in between the serious scenes. Something much needed and much appreciated. Detroit 1-8-7 airs on Tuesday nights at 9pm on ABC. What are your other choices? Parenthood (haven't watched, heard its good), The Good Wife (good show, sometimes boring, I'm pretty sure I'm not in the demo) and 9pm news. Since I'm not a news person and do not watch the other shows religiously, I'll be tuning into Detroit 1-8-7, after I watch Glee and Life Unexpected of course!



Tuesday, August 17, 2010


After last night's episode, I'm having a hard time deciding if there are any SANE people left on the show. I am 100% convinced that you need to have a few screws loose in order to be a cast member on the Bachelor Pad. For starters Elizabeth is completely off her rocker. On several occasions, she can be quoted saying "If you betray the trust, you are gone." or "You need to be affectionate to me, so the girls will keep you in this game. If not, you are gone." Is this how she gets guys to like her? Seriously, someone needs to save Kovacs. Should he look at another girl while on the show, Elizabeth may chop off his favorite appendage while he sleeps. Now, there is the issue of the Insiders vs. the Outsiders. AKA Cool Kids vs. Not Cool Kids. There are alliances and strategies and cliques, oh my! Could this be anymore like MTV's The Gauntlet? The Bachelor/Bachelorette rejects have now made a career out of jumping from show to show. Apparently once you go reality show, you never go back. So, the Outsiders had a chance to take control of the house by sending Kiptyn home and saving Craig with a rose. But, alas, Wes the guitar playing toolbag woos over Gia with his debonair ways and a simple "I love you". There's a strategy, when you think you are going to get kicked off, tell the person with the power to save you that you love them. Bravo Wes! Despite her early promise to keep Craig, Gia blows up the game and saves Wes instead. Now, the Cool Kids are back in the game. Next up, Weatherman. His smooth moves won't be gracing the presence of the Bachelor Pad too much longer I predict. As far as the girls, I'm hoping they all retaliate and send Elizabeth home. That would make the best Episode 3 shocker in Bachelor history! Also, if Tenley sheds one more tear, I hope Natalie reaches over and punches her in the face. Grow a backbone Tenley! In the end, I'm pretty sure they are all duping us. They are puppets being steered in a direction to make the show more interesting. After all, people cannot be that stupid. Can they?

Monday, August 16, 2010

MOVIE BUZZ: The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo

I'm half way through the first of this triglogy and I love it. Gruesome at times. Not for the light-hearted. Mara Rooney (below) is set to play Lisbeth Salander alongside Daniel Craig as Mikael Blomkvist. Never heard of her? Me neither. But at least its not Kristen Stewart. Click on the E News story to see more deets.

FALL PREVIEW: My Generation

In my profession, I have the privilege of viewing certain new shows before they hit the air. Between now and the Fall premieres, I will try and report on each of the pilots I have seen and whether or not I like them. My first report is on ABC's MY GENERATION. My Generation is a documentary style show set in the year 2010. Each of the nine cast members graduated in the year 2000. The documentary crew followed them their senior year of high school and is back to catch up with them 10 years later. Note: These are actors. Do not be confused. This is not a real documentary, only a documentary style show. As a graduating member of the class of 2000, I was inititally intrigued. Shortly after I learned the documentary was full of actors...I was not. Then, I gave the show a chance. Mostly because I was curious. And my feelings quickly changed. The show is much more in depth and interesting than at first glance. Each of the characters' lives are intertwined with the others in unexpected and interesting ways. The show's writers tie in events of the last 10 years like Enron, 9/11 and the war in Iraq. It makes the show feel relevant and time sensitive. It makes you look back at the past 10 years of your life and say "wow, I remember that and I can't believe so much has happened". The actors are attractive, always a plus. But most importantly, you find yourself rooting for them. Those that are searching for themselves or still searching for love, you want them to succeed. I will definitely be tuning in to this show on Thursday's at 7pm on ABC. However, in the past, show's aimed directly at a certain age group, have not been a huge success. I believe my interest in the show is greater than its chance of succeeding. If you tune in, maybe we can change that! For each show, I will rate on a scale of 1 to 5 popcorns, my general interest in the show and whether or not I believe it will succeed.


Did you get the Pears?

In this week's episode of Mad Men, we don't necessarily learn anything new about Don Draper, rather what we already know is reinforced. Number One: Don is an ass. After their one night rendez-vous on his apartment couch, Don and secretary Allison are having a hard time returning to their professional relationship. At least, Allison is having a hard time. During a cold cream focus group, Allison breaks down in tears and professes to Peggy "I know he's there watching. How do you do it?" To which Peggy sternly replies, "My problem is not your problem. Get over it!" Devastated, Allison waits in Don's office for him to return. After admitting their late night romp session was a mistake, Allison informs Don that she will be seeking a new job at a magazine. In a last attempt to see his good side, Allison's final request is that Don write her a recommendation. In true DD form, his response? "Why don't you write what you want and I'll sign it?" Enraged, Allison chucks a vase at his head that crashes into a nearby wall of framed pictures. Every female employee within a five office radius runs out to see what the commotion is. Allison exits the building. Number Two: Don is in charge. After extensive research and study, Don rejects all conclusions the female doc has reported for Pond's cold cream. He doesn't believe in her work and doesn't believe it applies to his job. Thanks for playing, but Don's still the Big Dick around here. Number Three: Don is lonely. After being forced out of his office, while the cleaning crew buffs the floors, Don heads back to his one bedroom apartment. Slowly making his way to his door, he notices an old couple in the hall. "Did you get the pears?", the husband says. No response. "Did you get the pears?" No response. "Did you get the pears?" Wife responds, "We'll discuss it inside." Don looks on, no smile and enters his apartment alone. One more episode down and no progress in the world of Don Draper. This week also focused on Pete Campbell and wife Trudy expecting a baby. Pete ruffles his father in law's feathers in order to get more accounts. Peggy makes a new lesbian friend, plays tonsil hockey with a stranger in a closet, smokes pot, runs from the cops and congratulates Pete on this new child. They share a sentimental/awkard moment filled with unspoken emotions that may never see the light of day. Next week's episode appears to be FULL of drama. I look forward to sharing it with the Massa family. :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Final Dance

I've been watching So You Think You Can Dance for a few seasons now. Despite my hate for the show's title, the show has become one of my absolute favorite things about summer. I was never a phenomenal dancer but I can appreciate great dancing when I see it. This season has been no exception. There are moments of genius on this show when dancers become artists and dances become so much more than steps and songs. They can transport you to a place of joy, sadness, heartache and just raw emotion. In past seasons those works of art include: Mia Michael's "Addiction", Tabatha and Napolean's "Bleeding Love" and Tyce Diorio's tribute to breast cancer survivors. Looking back on this season, my favorite routine was Travis Wall's "Collide" prom dance with Kent and Lauren. Besides being danced and choreographed to perfection, I just feel an overall love for Kent and Lauren and their journey together. Not sure if they are or will be a couple, but I would like to leave this season like I leave every romantic movie....thinking they will remain in love forever. Sure, there are times that Kent reminds me more of Pee Wee Herman than a Leading Man, but overall he is talented and should continue to dance for as love as God allows him to. He is a rare form...a heterosexual contemporary male dancer and I celebrate him. I chose to write an entry before the winner is chosen tonight, because I really do not care who wins. Maybe I think Lauren should, but I am genuinely excited that Robert, Lauren and Kent are in the finale. I share in Nigel's sentiments, that each of them deserve to win. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Blue Eyes, White Collar

If there was ever a time when fedoras, three piece suits and high-end thieves were's now. Ok, don't get the wrong idea. I'm not telling love-hungry men to run out rob an art gallery while wearing one of Meyer the Hatter's pricey pieces. However, after watching Neal Caffery of White Collar you may actually give it some thought. I mentioned in my earlier post that what I loved about My Boys was how easy it was to watch. No drama, no suspense, just an overall good show you can enjoy. White Collar is similar. Although if there was no suspense in a show about an ex-con working for the FBI, there would be no plot. Each week, there is a case. Each week, there is a conclusion to the case. Therefore, you can tune-in or tune-out as you please. A low commitment relationship, if you will. However, there are still lingering character storylines that you will want to come back for. As an end of Season 1 sampler and an avid Season 2 follower, I am still figuring out a few of the mysteries, so I cannot fully divulge the contents of the show...because I haven't figured them all out yet. But each week, as cases are opened and shut, I fall more and more in love with the most underrated attractive male on television...Matt Bomer. According to Wikipedia, his presence has graced shows including Guiding Light, North Shore, Chuck and Tru Calling. All shows I do not watch. If I had known he was on them, maybe I would have. Anyway, besides being breathtakingly handsome, he redefines cool. Take away the court mandated ankle bracelet and the laundry list of high stake crimes, he would be perfect! If he's not your type, you can always tune in for Kelly Kapowski, who plays FBI Special Agent Burke's wife OR Stanford from Sex and City, who plays Neal's partner in crime. Either way, you are sure to find a sultry summer treat!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Summer Love: My Boys

For the past two or three summers, I have looked forward to the returning 1/2 hour comedy My Boys. Based around a female sports writer for the Chicago Tribune, PJ Franklin is a what I consider "A Man's Dream". Hot girl + Real knowledge of Sports. Completely likeable character. Not in your face tom-boy, just "I'm cute, I'm smart, I like poker and baseball and I'm fine with it". What really makes the show is the cast of characters around her. A tight knit group of pals who are slowly aging and completely own the fact that a bottle of wine, a poker game at home or a pizza and movie with friends are all they need. The show's humor is worthy of a consistent chuckle but nothing that will make your stomach start to cramp up. Its just an easy going show, with people you wouldn't mind having over to watch a game and drink a beer with. Sometimes, that is what I need in television. Having lost my summer privileges of tanning, sleeping til noon and frequenting the beach every other weekend (since I am adult with a 9-5 job), I look forward to the summer for My Boys. Plus, Lauren Conrad's boyfriend, Kyle Howard is on the show and I think he's adorable.

Monday, August 9, 2010

For Love AND Money

Once in a lifetime, if you are lucky, you will be given an opportunity to marvel at something. Something so breathtaking and awe inspiring, its hard to put into words. I, however, can sum it up in two...Bachelor Pad. A show, not only dedicated to the unrealistic pursuit of money but also to finding your soul mate in a summer camp style love bungalow in sunny California. Everyone is tan. Everyone is in shape. Everyone has tattoos. If it weren't for the occasional blonde, it could be Jersey Shore. Let me give you the premise: 18 guys/girls from past Bachelor/Bachelorette seasons are picked to live in the Bachelor Pad...all sharing one room with bunk beds. Each week, they are competing for a rose which entitles them to immunity for the week (aka they can't be voted off). After receiving a rose, the winner gets to choose 3 team members of the opposite sex to take on a date. After the date, the winner awards a rose to one of the 3 datees and that person is also immune from elimination and therefore closer to winning $250,000. It is a competition for money and love filled with drama and strategy. In years past, this type of show would annoy me. It would get under my skin and my head would hurt from rolling my eyes so hard. Now, I have a different perspective. It is wildly amusing to me. Mostly because I am legitimately amazed that people, like those on the BP, exist. Its one thing if you make a fool of yourself, make it through the grueling 8-10 weeks of tears, hook-ups and breakups and win 250k. But what happens to those females, who after only one airing, are labeled "the psycho" aka Elizabeth. How do you get a date after this show? DO your friends still talk to you? I'm just curious. The whole idea of competing for money and love at the same time, is ridiculous AND intriguing at the same time. I do wish there were more weekly competitions, but maybe the excitement will pick up. Can't wait!!

BACHELOR PAD BEGINS TONIGHT...Let the train wreck begin!

Scantily Clad Alert! Get the (Half-Naked) Scoop on Tonight's iBachelor Pad/i Premiere

Mad Dreams

Apparently, Mad Men has a very deep effect on my psyche. For the past two weeks, my Sunday night ritual is the same. Watch Mad Men at 9pm. Try to read a little of "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" in bed. Attempt to fall asleep around 11pm. The latter part of this weekly ritual is difficult enough since I dread Monday mornings like the plague. But with the addition of Mad Men to my Sunday lineup, I have added another element to my ritual...Dreams about Mad Men. Each week, I am literally dreaming about Don Draper. I am certain that the show's producers would be thrilled to hear that I am envisioning their leading man in my sleep. However, each week is more morbid than the week before. This week, I dreamt that Betty Draper (I forgot her new married name) committed suicide. Either this show has too much of an effect on me or I should be added to the writing staff.