This blog is about TV. Not all TV. Just TV that I watch. I watch a decent amount, so you are sure to find something on here that you like. It won't change your life and it won't cure world hunger. But maybe it will make you laugh, smile or just help kill a few minutes of your work day. Enjoy!

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Evolution of Jersey Shore

When Jersey Shore began last year, I was a late addition to the Fan Club. My Jersey vocab was a little slower to develop and it took almost a full season before I could watch an episode in its entirety. Then Season 2 rolled around and I was 100% hooked on the guido/guidette journey to Miami. From Season 1 to Season 2 there has been an evolution in the series....see changes here.
#1 The Situation is the "mature" one in the house. He is involved in the least number of controversies, he is making the most cheese and he has a new career...Dancing with the Stars. If you watch the show, you understand that saying The Situation is the most mature is deathly scary considering he still takes home broads only to escort them to a cab 30 minutes later.
#2 Snooki is the new Smush Queen. After a full season of not finding a gorilla to tangle in the sheets with, this season she is on fire. Although not close to the numbers the boys put up, she is racking up a list of her own. #3 Vinny is in the game. Last season, I felt he was on the back burner. More of a Mama's Boy. Not too controversial, not too important. This season he is a valuable wing man for Pauly D and Mike, while also sticking his nose in the family drama enough to increase his face time on camera.

Although these things have changed, there are a few that remain 100% the same and stronger than ever.
#1 Sammi is an idiot. Not sure how else to say that. Every girl has had the wool pulled over her eyes by a guy, but to be blinded 4, 5, 6 times in a row is ridiculous. Get a clue Sam.
#2 J-Woww is crazy as ever. Some may find her scary, unattractive, evenly beastly. I, for one, would always want her on my team. She may have fake nails, boobs, eyelashes and hair but her bitch factor is real through and through.
#3 Pauly D is only dude on the planet with a "blow-out" that I would want to hang out with. Every time I think I've heard it all, DJ Pauly D busts a new one-liner that has me crying and laughing at the same time.

For your enjoyment, here's a few one-liners from the season:
* "Can't stand this weather. You can't get tan in this weather, you can't creep in this weather, you can't do anything." -- Pauly D, on living in a prison of rain.

*"Who AAA call when AAA get stuck?" --The Situation

* "I don't go tanning-tanning anymore because Obama put a 10 percent tax on tanning. And I feel like he did that intentionally for us. McCain would never put a 10 percent tax on tanning because he's pale, and he would probably wanna be tan." -- Snooki, on what's wrong with Washington.

*Jenni’s t--s definitely defy gravity. I think Albert Einstein should come back and rewrite his laws of physics and work it around Jenni’s t--s. --Vinny

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